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Dr. McConochie

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William A.
McConochie, Ph.D
License # 225, Oregon


Clinical and Research

McConochie Child Quick Verbal Quotient (McC-QVQ) -
General Instructions

  • This test can be taken with minimal assistance by children who know how to read well at about a 4th grade level. Other children can take it with the assistance of an adult who reads the items to the child and assists him/her in selecting the choices. The adult helper should carefully avoid giving the child any clues as to which options to choose, as this would invalidate the child's scores.

  • The test includes 5 sections (Information, Similarities, Arithmetic, Comprehension, and Vocabulary). Each section consists of an average of 40 multiple-choice questions. Total questions of this test: 201.

  • The questions increase in level of difficulty within each section. When a child does not know the answers to 5 consecutive items, or fails 5 consecutive items, the test will discontinue at that section of the test and go on to the next one.

  • If you are sure of your answer, mark the one you choose.

  • If you think you might know the answer, mark the one you think is right.

  • If you are sure you don't know the answer, mark "I Don't Know".

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